Growing Conditions
Vines Age: 90+ years old. Vineyards selected for Malbec Estrella 77 are situated in Lujan de Cuyo, within the subregion of Chacras de Coria.
1977 marked a turning point in Argentine history as the first 100% varietal of Malbec produced and focusing on high quality. Don Raul de la Mota, our first winemaker, was a visionary as to the potential of malbec to produce outstanding varietal wines and its ability to represent Argentina’s rich winemaking history in the international market. Although we do not have registration of 1977 vintage notes, we know it was a very dry summer with very scattered rainfall in January, following by large temperature amplitudes in the month of March.
19 years in 4 selected French oak casks of 4500-5800L. Blended and bottled in 1996.
All grapes were harvested manually and selected at the vineyard itself, transported in small 20kg cases to the winery and immediately crushed.
Blended and bottles in October 1996.